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Celebrating our 5th Anniversary!

Today marks the 5th anniversary of launching Moncur Consulting. Our hard work and long hours continue to pay off with each and every successful multilingual marketing campaign, rewarding project, and happy client. In the last 5 years, we have touched a great variety of projects, languages, and subject matters while working with clients and team members from around the world.


Languages Served

From Albanian and Amharic to Chinese, Khmer, Marshallese, and Spanish to Ukrainian and Vietnamese


Global Team Members

From Brazil and Canada to Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Italy, and Puerto Rico to Ukraine and the USA


Projects Delivered

Year-over-year project numbers are steady but their scope increased to almost triple our revenue

A short history of our translation, transcreation, and localization work

We started in 2019 by localizing corporate communications and lab testing materials for global markets, both for leading Minnesota companies. In 2020, 90% of our work turned to translating COVID-related materials at lightning speeds to help US ethnic communities stay informed. Since 2021, we have seen an increase in other subject matters again, such as cultural/global name & logo evaluations, legal, financial, healthcare, animal health, agriculture, political campaigns, and consumer products. New this year were aerospace, e-commerce, machinery, education, sailing and pet toy verticals.

Making a difference

While the amount of projects we handled year-over-year has remained steady, we have been managing more and more campaigns of very large scopes. One set of projects that has kept us extremely busy over the last 2 years has been the translation of outreach and renewal campaign materials into 19 languages to help prevent millions of people from losing health care coverage, now that the Covid-19 public health emergency has ended. We touched almost all marketing media, incl. fliers, posters, social media images, emails, websites, and animated videos with in-language supers and voice-overs. We are incredibly honored to play a part in making a difference in people’s lives with so much of our work.

Gratitude for your partnership, trust and support

None of this would have been possible without our clients who have placed their trust in us over the last five years or without our global team members who help deliver the kind of top-notch work we pride ourselves in.

If you have been part of this journey, whether as a friend, cheerleader, mentor, global team member, or client – thank you from the bottom of my heart, and cheers to the next 12 months!

Thank you for being part of our journey!

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